Stuck with The Stick -- Here, Catch!

Okay, I am clearly the last person who ever hears anything on the Internet. The other day I was passed The Stick. Here it is -- and watch out, it may be coming your way (scroll to the bottom to see if your name appears):

The Stick

You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
God Speaks

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Well, who wouldn't have on Mr. Darcy, given a female incarnation and any sort of education. Right after that came Dylan Thomas, who is sort of a fictional character of his own making, which was probably what got him.

The last book you bought is:
Patron Saint of Liars - Ann Patchett

The last book you read
Bel Canto - Ann Patchett (you see where I'm going with this?) +

What are you currently reading?

Autobiography of Alan Jay Lerner (I'm learning how to write musicals. Don't ask.)

Five books you would take to a deserted island:
1. My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. Wallace Stevens, Collected Poems
4. God Speaks
5. The Mathnawi - Rumi (yes, the whole thing -- you didn't specify # of volumes)

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?

Kelli Russell Agodon - for being poet pals and to find out what she's been reading
Carmi - see above
Paula Grenside - see above