Updated Non-Contest List

Thanks to feedback from poets who keep their own non-contest poetry publishers lists, or who are simply interested in this topic and wrote to me, I have updated my web page on Non-Contest Poetry Book Publishers. Some new presses added, some presses removed. I decided not to list any press with a catalog of less than ten books, not to list any obvious self-publishing presses (with, say, two or more titles by the publisher) and not to list any presses that don't have open reading periods within the next 12 months.

Sarabande Books squeaked in under the wire, as they say their September reading period is closed this year, but as it's almost October and I don't want to update the list in October, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming they'll do open reading September 2009.

Thanks for all the tips, advice, ideas and comments! And thanks, Steve Schroeder, for keeping your own list. While our lists don't entirely coincide, yours gave me interesting additions. Thanks!