Emily Dickinson Birthday Radio Show now available

I've posted the recording of the show on my website. It's two hours, the first hour comprised of poets reading their Dickinson-inspired poems. Mine is about 45 minutes in and is called "Carlo and Me," inspired by Emily's fabulous big black dog Carlo, with whom she roamed through the fields. Hope you enjoy it! It's a total Emily-fest, hosted by Merry Gangemi. The recording starts in the middle of the first hour (don't know why), so don't be thrown by that. The readings actually start with Charlotte Mandel (sorry, Barbara & Carol!).

Poets include:
Barbara Crocker
Carol Dorf
Charlotte Mandel
Claire Keys
Elizabeth Oakes
Jane Satterfield
Janet McCann
Julie Moore
Lesley Wheeler
Rachel Dacus
Susan Rich
Tamiko Beyer
Rachel DuPlessis