My Cheshire Cat Poetry Book

I've had a poetry publishing mishap. A rather major one. The publisher with whom I signed a contract a year ago to publish Gods of Water and Air, my new collection, will fold as of December 31. There is still the promise that my book will appear on November 5, but less than two months later, no publisher will be there to keep it in print, distribution, and provide publicity of any kind. I have a Cheshire Cat of a book, it seems. A now-you-see-it-now-you-don't publication. I am in mourning, even though some copies will be printed. Here is one of the poems, with a recording, from a book you may or may not ever see. If you like it, please leave me a comment! I may keep all comments and re-publish the book myself after January 1.

"Every Morning I Try" first appeared in The Cortland Review: